This page chronicles my ongoing quest to clean, organize, stock, and generally improve the Caltech student shop.
Metal shop table after grinding to remove rust and grit.
Graciously Donated by Beth in the deans office.
The first part of our new organizational system for the metal shop.
Tree Mill vise jaws, surface ground to 3 ten thousandths over their length.
Perhaps not as dramatic as a new welder, but sometimes it’s the little things…
Projects whose design phase was largely or completely completed but never built. In general these projects were deliberately set aside, or never started, rather than abandoned.
I keep this gallery around as a source of humility and inspiration.
This project was with Jack and Maheck, we purchased the parts and made some prototypes but canceled the project when it became clear the utility would be limited.
We just about wrapped up the design (except for the handle) when COVID hit and we had to retire the project.