Stepper Motor Driver

Version 1.0 of the controller. I did need to make one minor rework on the joystick inputs, but other than that it worked perfectly. The green header connects to the motor, the 6 pin header is for programming, the 2 pin header is for debug, and the o…

Version 1.0 of the controller. I did need to make one minor rework on the joystick inputs, but other than that it worked perfectly. The green header connects to the motor, the 6 pin header is for programming, the 2 pin header is for debug, and the orange XT60 connector on the back provides power. (These pictures were taken before cleaning the flux)


This is a generic stepper driver motor tester that should work with a range of NEMA 11, and NEMA 17 motors. Moving the joystick forward and backward allows for a range of step rates in both directions, and flicking the joystick right or left allows the user to select from between 1/2 and 1/32 microstepping. The MCU is an 328p flashed with an Arduino Nano bootloader, and the stepper driver is a DRV8825.

This was a pretty simple project, so I have elected not to include a build log. The gerber files, Altium project, and arduino files can be found below along with instructions for adding your own logo, and my suggested improvements for the second revision.


I don’t expect to make a second rev of this project any time soon, but if I did I would suggest the following modifications:

  • Consider switching to a Trinamic or generally better quality driver.

  • Run the driver feedback lines to LEDs rather than IO pins.

  • Provide user-accessible current configurations.

  • Snap-lock connectors would be better for the stepper wires.


This is my first PCB to bear my makers mark! Adding a makers mark to my PCBs has been a goal for a while, but I haven’t been able to justify the time on previous boards. Turns out the process is pretty simple:

  • Get a DXF of the logo. I explored from the wax stamp CAD, but there are lots of ways to do this.

    • (Optional) Clean up the file in Inkscape to get exactly what you want. It’s easier to edit here than it will be in Altium.

  • Using “File -> Import -> DXF/DWG” enter the import wizard. I used the following settings with some success:

    • 1 AutoCAD unit: 200mil

    • Default Line Width: .1mm

    • Layer_1 : Top Overlay (this is likely specific to my file / Inkscape)