[Hell Lighting] Bugs

For the most part Hell Lighting has a small enough team to make bug reports easy to manage through messenger and github. That said, I have included a few of our more notable issues below. My hope is that they will prove useful in helping others avoid our mistakes, or at the very least amusing. 

Red 255 (Resolved)

Description: If Red was set to more than 80% brightness all LEDs switched to randomized changing colors.

Cause: All system elements were grounded at the power supply. Signal wires run as part of the power bundle were picking up interference from the power lines and each other and transmitting it to the lines where signal shaping circuitry served to turn the noise into random colors. 

Resolution: Re-ran signal wires as twisted pairs with ground lines. Isolated power supply grounds, and used control board as common reference (so the only common ground point between the rails was at the control board). 

Reset on Bright (Resolved)

Description: Patterns with sudden changes of brightness cause system resets on the low to high transitions. 

Cause: Sudden changes in current draw from the supply caused momentary drops in voltage below the reset value for the arduino. 

Resolution: Switched controller power from strip 4 to the reserve power supply rail. 

Gesture Control (Open)

Description: If someone rubs there hands on the carpet and then waves them in front of the control box, it will reset. This occurs about about 2% of the time, but has been repeated a few dozen times successfully. 

Cause: ?????? Best current guess is that highly charged hands have an effect on one of the reset lines on the board and trips it. No idea how that would work though. 

Resolution: ??????? Don't charge your hands right before using the system? 

Shock on pattern change

Description: One user reports a consistent, light, shock when pressing the pattern change button. 

Cause: Have not been able to re-produce. Low priority unless it persists past the 1.0 control board.

Resolution: See above.